
Maryland Outdoor Performances,
Programs and Events



There is always something happening at Historic St. Mary’s City!

Historic St. Mary’s City offers a broad range of programs that immerse visitors in Maryland’s story whatever your age or interest!


Enjoy an outdoor performance on the State House lawn. Join one of our lectures to dig deeper into history.  Sift through our hidden treasures at Tidewater Archaeology.  Discover past traditions at one of our holiday events. Get behind the scenes on a tour with one of our archaeologists. Join us on an evening hike or spend the night on the Maryland Dove.


Adult Programs – Learn something new and enjoy a night out


Youth Programs – Programs to engage and teach the younger patrons


Family Programs – Bring the whole family and do something fun together




Daily Highlights Fun activities available to museum visitors – seasonal.

Little Explorers Activities for children age 3-5 years

Colonial Kids Workshops Activities for children ages 5 – 10

Colonial Times Workshops Activities for older youth and adults

Lectures Free Topical discussions available to the public

Summer Camps Special activities for families. Download brochure/registration form

Homeschool Days Special days geared towards Homeschool families



Maryland DayCelebration of our state founding

May DayCelebrate the arrival of spring

BeerFest HSMC’s annual celebration of brew, food, and music!

Tidewater Archaeology WeekendDigging up the past

Shakespeare in the CityA unique outdoor theatrical experience on the Statehouse lawn

“Adults Only”Learn about subjects of a more “adult” nature.

Indian Discovery DayDiscover the land before Maryland

Militia MusterSt. Maries Citty Militia musters again!

Haunted ShipVisit the “haunted” Maryland Dove

Hearth and Home in Early MarylandCooking the colonial way

Colonial ChristmasAnnual celebration of the holidays

Holiday Madrigal Dinners Eat, drink, and be merry


Can’t decide?  Look through all of our activities on our complete Calendar.