Audio Tour

Hear About Our History



Visitors to Historic St. Mary’s City enjoy learning about our history and environment from informative signs and interpreters.  We invite you to enhance your time on site or go on a virtual visit using this self-guided audio tour.  You can explore the museum and its history at your own pace on site or at home.


Each part of the audio tour covers a different location or feature of life in St. Mary’s City.  While they are made to be listened to at their corresponding locations, enjoy them anywhere. The tracks are numbered, but you can listen to them in any order. Download the entire tour to your computer or mobile device, or listen to the files below individually.

To download the entire tour to your computer or mobile device, click on the Complete Audio Tour link below, which will download a zip file. Unzip the file, then open the mp3 tracks using your preferred music listening program.

To listen to a specific part of the audio tour click on one of the links below. Each track is shown under its corresponding feature of Historic St. Mary’s City.


Visitor Center

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Hear about the founding of Maryland and Historic St. Mary’s City, the museum that commemorates its beginnings.

01: Introduction

02: Reasons for Coming



Chapel Field

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Discover Maryland’s unique legacy of religious toleration and the places that help tell its story.

04: Religious Toleration

05: The Chapel

06: Chapel Field Graves



Woodland Indian Hamlet

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Meet Maryland’s first people, the Yaocomico Indians.                           



03: Woodland Indian Hamlet



Features of St. Mary’s City

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Learn about some less-known aspects of St. Mary’s story.             

07: Maryland’s Environment

08: Mackall Barn

09: The Fort



St. Mary’s City Town Center

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While it would be small by modern standards, and even the standards of its time, colonial St. Mary’s City was the bustling heart of Maryland.  Explore some of the places that once populated St. Mary’s City.


People of St. Mary’s

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While Maryland was founded by English, it became a melting pot for people from many backgrounds, cultures, and countries.  A diverse population helped make St. Mary’s City, and Maryland, what it is today. 

18: Margaret Brent

19: Maryland’s Diverse Population

20: Voices of Maryland



State House

8 March into SH

Maryland’s first official State House, constructed in 1676, was the seat of government until 1694 when the capital was moved to Annapolis.  The building was recreated in 1634 for the three-hundredth anniversary of Maryland’s founding.

24: Tercentennial Celebration

25: Coode’s Rebellion

26: Colonial Justice

27: The State House in the Present



St. Mary’s Shore

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Water, water everywhere!  Find out about the watery side of these shores.                      

32: Plantations of St. Mary’s

33: Tobacco Trade

34: Shore Features

35: Osprey Nest

36: Steamboats




Calvert House

8 Calvert House countrys house

The Calvert House was the first governor’s residence and a place where Maryland’s Assembly met, and holds a key part of Maryland’s history.


21: Leonard Calvert

22: Calvert House History

23: Calvert House Archaeology



The Three C’s

10 Calvert hall

The three institutions co-located on the National Historic Landmark at St. Mary’s City work to preserve and protect Maryland’s legacy.



28: The Three C’s

29: Trinity Church

30: St. Mary’s College of Maryland

31: The Calvert Obelisk



Maryland’s Environment

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Consider the ways Maryland’s environment impacted those who have lived here and how these inhabitants have changed the environment.


37: Human Effect on the Land

38: Invasive Plant Species