Important St Marys

What’s important about St. Mary’s City?


St. Mary’s City is one of the most historic locations in the United States. Recognized as a National Historic Landmark since 1969, it is the best preserved founding site of a 17th-century English colony in North America. St. Mary’s was the scene of many notable events in America’s early history. Some of these are listed below:


  • First successful proprietary colony in English North America
  • First Freedom of Conscience policy in America
  • First effort to free religion from government in America
  • First Catholic chapel in English America
  • First woman to petition for the right to vote in English America (Margaret Brent, 1648)
  • First legislator of African descent in North America (Mathias de Sousa, 1642)
  • First evidence of baroque town planning in America
  • First public inn in Maryland
  • First government building in Maryland (the Secretaries Office 1664)
  • First Protestant (Anglican) church in Maryland
  • First official city in Maryland
  • First state house in Maryland, The Country’s House
  • First monumental public architecture in Maryland, the 1667 Brick Chapel
  • First printer in the southern colonies of America