






Early in the project, we used Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to investigate the site of the cross-shaped Brick Chapel built in the mid-1660s. Undertaken by Bruce Bevan, the GPR indicated a large, dense “target” in the north arm of the brick chapel. D3By 1990, excavation had proceeded to the point that we had the entire foundation of the brick church exposed. In the north arm, or transept of the cross we observed a soil disturbance which coincided with the location of the dense radar “target.”


Excavation in the early winter of that year discovered three lead coffins in the north arm of the church. These were the first to be investigated by professional archaeologists in the New World. Rather than rush into investigating the coffins, it was decided to rebury them where they were until we could plan the best, most comprehensive investigation possible. These were the first to be investigated by professional archaeologists in the New World.



 Overview Discovery The Team Logistics Project
Analysis Study Identification Future Phillip Calvert