Field School Blog

Dispatches from Field School


Follow the Dispatches from Field School for regular updates on summer excavations at Historic St. Mary’s City, from Director of Research and Collections Travis Parno and the students enrolled in the program. Travis’s team are archaeologists-in-training studying at HSMC’s Field School in Historical Archaeology, an intensive 10 week experience designed for college students.


Over the past four decades, the Field School has contributed significantly to the history of Maryland and the development of historical archaeology. These excavations at the site of Maryland’s first capital have revolutionized the understanding of colonial architecture and the material culture of the period. The archaeological program pioneered many of the techniques now thought of as standard. It has been a leader in training the next generation of archaeologists and many of these students have gone on to advanced degrees in the field.



2019 Field School
2018 Field School

2017 Field School

2016 Field School

2015 Field School

2014 Field School

2013 Field School

2012 Field School

2011 Field School