Van Sweringen Map

The Van Sweringen Archaeological Site


The Van Sweringen site exhibit is located over the building’s original site on Aldermanbury Street in St. Mary’s City. The exhibit includes archaeological remains, reconstructed buildings, simulated buildings, and informational signs. Below is a map of the exhibit that allows you to “tour” the site.  Archaeological findings show where rooms were located and a surviving document gives us their names. Beyond the building is the arbor, a Dutch amenity Garrett Van Sweringen added for the guests at his private inn. Finally, Van Sweringen added a Coffee House, a rare innovation on the early American frontier.

The Van Sweringen site exhibit was made possible by the National Endowment for the Humanities
through planning and implementation grants awarded to Historic St. Mary’s City. Additional support was provided
through grants by the Maryland Heritage Area Authority, Historic St. Mary’s City Foundation,
and the National Society of the Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America.