Sharing the story

Sharing the story


Information revealed through the conservation process is recorded and archived. Documentation may include treatment records, object reports, analyses, illustrations, photographs, magnetic media, and videos. Information on treatments is included so other researchers can understand what has been done to a given artifact. Publication is a professional responsibility of archaeologists and conservators.Project Lead Coffins produced a wealth of information concerning the cultural practices of the early citizens of Maryland’s first capital. HSMC staff have delivered illustrated presentations and collaborated with others to produce articles, exhibits,and films about the lead coffin project. The entire field phase of the project was filmed by a crew from ABC News, with footage airing as a Nightline episode. HSMC staff also assisted in preparing an exhibit that focused on the role of forensics in archaeology for the Smithsonian’s Museum of Natural History. The exhibit, titled Written in Bone, was popular and remained on display from 2009 to 2014.


Lead coffin on exhibition at the HSMC Visitors Center with special armatures and display case.

Lead coffin on exhibition at the HSMC Visitors Center with special armatures and display case.