Homeschool Fridays – Cochineal Natural Dye Workshop
Historic St. Mary's City 18751 Hogaboom Lane, St. Mary's CityThis workshop takes place at the Godiah Spray Tobacco Plantation Coloring with natural materials is an ancient art that is filled with surprises. Join us for an informative and fun hands-on workshop to learn about the history and traditions … Continue reading
Homeschool Fridays – Maritime History Through Art and Communication Workshop
Historic St. Mary's City 18751 Hogaboom Lane, St. Mary's CityThis workshop takes place at the Waterfront. Students will have the opportunity to learn the artistic skills required of 17th-century sailors, and the ways in which they would communicate. Participants will have the opportunity to board the Maryland Dove … Continue reading
Homeschool Fridays – What Makes a Witchott? Workshop
Historic St. Mary's City 18751 Hogaboom Lane, St. Mary's CityThis workshop takes place at the Woodland Indian Hamlet. Witchott, wickiup, wigwam, and longhouses are all names for the grass and wood structures that Native peoples up and down the East Coast of the United States called home. Join … Continue reading
Homeschool Fridays – Who Were They and Who Are You? Workshop
Historic St. Mary's City 18751 Hogaboom Lane, St. Mary's CityThis workshop takes place at the Town Center. Students will try their hand at writing with quill pens and learn about how to tools available shaped the way that people wrote. Participants will look at genre paintings, learn about … Continue reading