Experience life in 17th-century Maryland! Step onboard a tall ship, play colonial games, and
wander through an Indian witchott. The plantation household will show you what's growing in
the kitchen garden and introduce you to heirloom livestock. Find out how archaeologists and historians piece together the past to reveal this colony's remarkable legacy of democracy and toleration. Lord Baltimore's capital, in beautiful tidewater Southern Maryland, stands ready to be rediscovered.


On November 10, 2020, Historic St. Mary’s City (HSMC) closed temporarily, after Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced a series of actions to slow the spread of COVID-19.  As a state agency, HSMC follows the orders of Governor Hogan, who directed “the Department of Budget and Management to implement a period of mandatory telework across state agencies.” Originally scheduled to close the 2020 season on Saturday, November 28, after the annual Hearth and Home event, it has now been decided the outdoor exhibits and buildings will instead stay closed until spring 2021.

For the most recent announcements of Governor Hogan’s, visit https://governor.maryland.gov/

Historic St. Mary’s City walking trails remain free and open to the public.  Those enjoying the trails are asked to please bring a mask to wear, and remain at least six feet from those not within their party.

Visit the Maryland Department of Health website for further COVID-19 updates:  https://health.maryland.gov.


stop racismA message from Dr. Regina Faden, Executive Director of Historic St. Mary’s City
“Sorrow is constantly with us now. For months we have been haunted by the threat of a pandemic, but for African Americans sorrow has been their companion throughout the history of this country. As a nation, we have witnessed the murder of George Floyd and struggle to make sense of it. Individually we grieve, some publicly and some privately, and pray for peace and justice. From History St Mary’s City, we express our deepest sympathy to the family of George Floyd and all the people who loved him. To the families of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade we are deeply sorry for your immeasurable loss. What do we do now, when confronted with our nation’s history of racial violence and the tragedies of so many families and communities because of systemic racism? How do we begin to dismantle that which is killing our brothers and sisters? The first step is the hardest – to discern how we have participated in and perpetuated racial injustice.

For fifty years, we at Historic St. Mary’s City have been proud to tell the story of religious freedom planted here in Maryland by the Calvert family, but we have not told the whole story. A year ago, we asked for the opinions of a diverse collective of respected community members and they told us, “you need to do better and we are willing to help you do better if you are willing to listen to us and to make real change.” It has been a year of reflection and learning from community members for us at HSMC. We will contribute to change by telling everyone’s story. It is only together that we can dismantle the systems that perpetuate racism and begin to lift the constant burden of sorrow.”


    CANCELLED – Hearth and Home in Early Maryland

Join us November 27 & 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for our annual celebration of the harvest season.  Explore 17th-century foodways, and discover what it took to weather the winter before refrigerators, electric stoves, and grocery stores.

Support Southern MD Food Bank

Bring a canned good for the Southern Maryland Food Bank during our Hearth and Home event, and save $1 on admission!  For more information, contact info@HSMCdigsHistory.org, or (240) 895-4990.


We want to encourage everyone to take some rest and do something fun this weekend. Take a walk with family, call some friends, play a game. If you’re looking for some inspiration, watch the attached video.  It seems some things never change including the need for fun!  For those who may be curious, this video was magically taken in 1667 when the main concern was the seasoning – our staff and volunteers in 2020 are safely in their homes, keeping their distances.
